Are quickened, charged and changed into their physical equivalent. You may voluntarily plant in your subconscious mind any plan, thought or purpose which you desire to translate into its physical counterpart, and that counterpart will manifest itself for you. Creative, prolific and ever-ready to serve you. Yet so few of us understand how to use its powerstation.
In order to understand how the conscious and subconscious minds work together as a team to create your reality, let me again use an analogy. Your subconscious mind is like fertile soil which accepts any seed you plant within it. Your habitual thoughts and beliefs are the seeds which are being constantly sown within, and they produce in your life what is planted just as surely as corn kernels produce corn.
You will reap what you sow. This is a law. Remember, the conscious mind is the gardener. It is our responsibility to be aware of and choose wisely what reaches the inner garden. But unfortunately for most of us our role as gardener has never been explained to us. And in misunderstanding our role, we have allowed seeds of all types, both good and bad, to enter our inner garden. This then is the cause of all that is happening in our life. If you wish to understand why fortune or misfortune is happening to you in any area of your life, you need only look within.
In order to understand how the conscious and subconscious minds work together as a team to create your reality, let me again use an analogy. Your subconscious mind is like fertile soil which accepts any seed you plant within it. Your habitual thoughts and beliefs are the seeds which are being constantly sown within, and they produce in your life what is planted just as surely as corn kernels produce corn. You will reap what you sow. This is a law. Remember, the conscious mind is the gardener.
Vt is our responsibility to be aware of and choose wisely what reaches the inner garden. But unfortunately for most of us our role as gardener has never been explained to us. And in misunderstanding our role, we have allowed seeds of all types, both good and bad, to enter our inner garden. This then is the cause of all that is happening in our life. If you wish to understand why fortune or misfortune is happening to you in any area of your life, you need only look within. In order to understand how the conscious and subconscious minds work together as a team to create your reality, let me again use an analogy. Your subconscious mind is like fertile soil which accepts any seed you plant within it. Your habitual thoughts and beliefs are the seeds which are being constantly sown within, and they produce in your life what is planted just as surely as corn kernels produce corn. You will reap what you sow. This is a law. Remember, the conscious mind is the gardener.
Vt is our responsibility to be aware of and choose wisely what reaches the inner garden. But unfortunately for most of us our role as gardener has never been explained to us. And in misunderstanding our role, we have allowed seeds of all types, both good and bad, to enter our inner garden. This then is the cause of all that is happening in our life. If you wish to understand why fortune or misfortune is happening to you in any area of your life, you need only look within.
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